Since a year many people were using hashtags on Facebook. So, finally Fcebook decided to introduce click able hashtags in June, 2013. Already hashtags were so popular on Twitter, Instagram and Google+ for users to track the conversations and trends, but it has become revolutionary once facebook has introduced.
Once FB adopted hashtags, all top brands started experimenting with it. According to an Analytics Company “Simply Measured, more than 100 top brands have started using at least one hashtag in their post on Facebook.
Recently, Simply Measured has published the data, which clearly states how often top brands used hashtags on FB between June 12th to June 26th, 2013.
• 56% of the top 100 brands on Facebook used hashtags in a post
• 38% of the top 100 brands on Facebook posted at least two updates with hashtags
• 18% of of the top 100 brands on Facebook posted more than five times using hashtags
• 6% of the top 100 brands on Facebook posted more than 10 times using hashtags
By looking at the data, one can easily make out, how brands use hashtags on Facebook. You too can do it in a same way to promote your business online.