The Hunt..!!!

Engineer into hunting. No. Engineer as agent Hunt. No. 

Technology has entered in everyone’s life, And so also in mine. For the past few days I was looking for the latest gadget that is flooding the technology market like anything.

I was hunting for a tablet. Mind you friends, I did not find this as an easy task. There were several things in my mind. And let’s start with the basic:

  • I was looking for a table that I can use on the go. 
  •   I was looking for a table that remains connected with the internet so that I can check my emails or other things. 
  •   I was looking for a tablet that I can use to watch and downloaded movie.                                             I zeroed down to a 7inch or a 9.7inch tablet. Decent size for frequently traveling person. Easy and to carry as it fits like a diary in your hand. Answer to my first point.
Most of the tablets offer to connect to 2gor 3g network by using an external dongle. I was not interested in such type of tablets. I was looking for a tablet that has a sim slot in which I can insert my sim to connect to the internet. This narrowed my search considerably and I was left with very few options. The answer to the second point.

The tablet should be having enough pixels for a decent movie watch. And when it comes to watching movie or playing light games, the tablet requires a processor and enough ram to support hd movies and graphics.

The Process:
I did not visit shop after shop to buy my stuff as I mostly go for online shopping. Two websites that I visited for this purpose is flipkart and infibeam. I like flipkart as it is very easy to navigate and search and the price is best in the market along with their reputation of delivering goods in time.
The final tablet:
Please read the next blog.